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Judiciary Planning and Development Committee Inaugurated
Group Photo: The Judiciary Planning and Development Committe

KAMPALA: The Chief Justice, Hon. Bart M. Katureebe, presided over the inauguration ceremony for the Planning and Development Committee.

The ceremony took place at the Judiciary Headquarters and was witnessed by senior Judiciary officials as well as representatives from the Justice Law and Order Sector.

The Committee which is chaired by the Deputy Chief Justice, Hon. Justice Alfonse Chigamoy Owiny-Dollo, was established under Office Instruction No. 3 of 2018 issued by the Chief Justice.

It is responsible for overseeing the planning, budgeting, development and resource mobilization in the Judiciary.

In his speech, the Chief Justice said Committee was one of the recommendations made by the Case Backlog Committee. "The Committee found that there was a dis-connect in the budgeting, planning and utilization of resources," he said.

He added that the Committee would coordinate budgeting, planning, and ensuring that whatever activities planned are geared towards the Judiciary Strategic Plan.

The Chief Justice noted, "...there have been questions on whether there sources that we get, meager as they are, were actually put towards the core functions of the Judiciary."

This Committee will see a realization of a coordinated approach to work. According to the CJ, effective coordination between the Accounting Officer, the Committee, the Chief justice and the whole administration will also help the Judiciary to improve its public image.  

On his part, the DCJ, said they will apply best practices geared to the smooth and successful administration of Justice.

According to Hon. Justice Gadenya Paul Wolimbwa (Judge, Judiciary Projects), the Committee will ensure an inclusive, effective and efficient way of planning that guarantees value for money in the administration of justice.

He pledged the support of the Registry of Planning & Development to"provide critical analysis, invention of ideas, and also effectively provide a secretariat of the Planning and Development Committee of the Judiciary."

About the Planning and Development Committee


  • Provide a framework for achieving excellence in service delivery in the administration of justice through effective and efficient planning,
  • Enhance the performance of the Judiciary and,
  • Guide the development of a coherent and holistic strategy for attainment of the objectives of the Judiciary.

Committee Composition

Chairperson is Deputy Chief Justice, and the members include the Principal Judge, the Chairpersons of Performance Management Committee and the JTI Governing Council,the Judge responsible for Projects, Chief Registrar, Solicitor General, and the Permanent Secretary/Secretary to Judiciary. The Secretariat of the Committee is the Registry of Planning and Development.


  • Overseeing the planning, budgeting, development and resource mobilization in the Judiciary.
  • Approving quarterly, semiannual and annual work plans of the Judiciary.
  • Coordination and implementation of judicial policies, strategic plans, programs and projects in the Judiciary.
  • Evidence-based monitoring and evaluation in the Judiciary
  • Approving all projects of the Judiciary.
  • Initiating,facilitating and managing innovations in the Judiciary.
  • Carrying out any other assignments as may be given to the committee by the Chief

Posted 14th, February 2019
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